The International Boundry Lines

The International Boundary Lines

 Global limits are the topographical fringes of political or lawful locales, for example, nations, customs domains and sovereign states. The cycle of the formation of a fringe is called limit delimitation. Some worldwide fringes, for example, those inside a free development zone like the European Union are meagerly monitored or totally open.

Others, for example, the India-Pakistan outskirt or the North Korea-South Korea fringe might be vigorously watched with access controlled through assigned intersections. Global limit lines are a significant subject for the

 The International Boundary Lines

The International Boundary Lines

➤ Durand Line:- This international line was drawn by a British, sir Motimer Durend to fix the International Boundary  Between india and Afghanistan (Now between pakistan and Afghanistan).


➤ Macmohan Line:- This International Line was drawn by sir MC. Mohan to fix the indo- Chinese border in Arunachal Pradesh area. This line is 700 Miles long along - Tibetan (Now Chinese) Border.


➤ Redcliff Line:- This International Line was fixed in 1947 in the Punjab province of both side by sir Redcliff at the times of division of India and Pakistan.


Hindenburg Line:- This International Line was drawn in 1917 During the world - war 1 to fix the international boundry between Germany and Poland.


➤ Manrahi Line:- This international line demarcates the boundry of Russia and Finland .


➤ Magninate Line:- This international line was fixed by france by as an interbational border between France and Germany.


➤ The 17th Parallel Lines:- This was the boundary line between North and south Vietnam.


➤ The 24th Parallel line:- Pakistan claims it as an international boundary line between Sindh (Pakistan) and Gujarat (India) but the Indian Republic does not agree to this.


➤ The 38th Parallel line:- Boundary line between North & South Korea. This is also called Ceasefire line between two countries.


➤The 49th Parallel line:- This is the international boundary line of the United States of America and Canada.


➤ Odderness line:- This is the internatonal line between Germany and poland.


➤ Seigfryde line:- This defence line was made of germany before the Worldwar -II, between France and Germany in the form of wall, minarets and barracks for defensive and offensive purposes.      





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