The International Boundary Lines
Global limits are the topographical fringes of political or lawful locales, for example, nations, customs domains and sovereign states. The cycle of the formation of a fringe is called limit delimitation. Some worldwide fringes, for example, those inside a free development zone like the European Union are meagerly monitored or totally open.
Others, for example, the India-Pakistan outskirt or the North Korea-South Korea fringe might be vigorously watched with access controlled through assigned intersections. Global limit lines are a significant subject for the
The International Boundary Lines
➤ Durand Line:- This international line was drawn by a British, sir Motimer Durend to fix the International Boundary Between india and Afghanistan (Now between pakistan and Afghanistan).
➤ Macmohan Line:- This International Line was drawn by sir MC. Mohan to fix the indo- Chinese border in Arunachal Pradesh area. This line is 700 Miles long along - Tibetan (Now Chinese) Border.
➤ Redcliff Line:- This International Line was fixed in 1947 in the Punjab province of both side by sir Redcliff at the times of division of India and Pakistan.
➤ Hindenburg Line:- This International Line was drawn in 1917 During the world - war 1 to fix the international boundry between Germany and Poland.
➤ Manrahi Line:- This international line demarcates the boundry of Russia and Finland .
➤ Magninate Line:- This international line was fixed by france by as an interbational border between France and Germany.
➤ The 17th Parallel Lines:- This was the boundary line between North and south Vietnam.
➤ The 24th Parallel line:- Pakistan claims it as an international boundary line between Sindh (Pakistan) and Gujarat (India) but the Indian Republic does not agree to this.
➤ The 38th Parallel line:- Boundary line between North & South Korea. This is also called Ceasefire line between two countries.
➤The 49th Parallel line:- This is the international boundary line of the United States of America and Canada.
➤ Odderness line:- This is the internatonal line between Germany and poland.
➤ Seigfryde line:- This defence line was made of germany before the Worldwar -II, between France and Germany in the form of wall, minarets and barracks for defensive and offensive purposes.