Antonyms words
Dear friend, Welcome to our website Gayani Edu
Today in this article we are going to study about most important
chapter of English grammar (Antonyms Words). We have Study in our before
article about (Synonyms word).
Friends, In this article we will study the following topic like, What is Antonyms word and 85 Antonyms word.
Antonyms Word (विलोम शब्द)
Definition:- The word (antonyms) mean the opposite of each other in a language are called Antonyms word.
Study the following example of Antonyms word:-
- Abbreviate - Expand
- Abolish - Establish
- Abound - lack
- Abstain - Indulge
- Accuse - Acquit
- Achieve - miss
- Act - laze
- Adjust - dislocate
- Aid - prevent
- Amuse - bore
- Announce - Suppress
- Annoy - please
- Appreciate - depreciate
- Approve - reprove
- believe - doubt
- bend - straighten
- bind - untie
- borrow - lend
- break - make
- build - demolish
- bury - unearth
- buy - sell
- capture - release
- check - speed
- choke - unblock
- collect - scatter
- conceal - reveal
- confess - deny
- connect - disconnect
- consume - save
- contaminate - purify
- copy - create
- criticise - praise
- destroy - create
- diminish - magnify
- disagree - agree
- disappear - appear
- disturb - calm
- divide - unite
- dry - wet
- earn - spend
- end - start/begin
- enlarge - shorten
- expand - contract
- fold - unfold
- forgive - avenge
- gain - lose
- give - take
- grant - reserve
- guide - misguide
- harm - benefit
- help - deter
- hide - expose/show
- hurt - heal
- improve - aggravate
- increase - decrease
- insult - respect
- intensify - lessen
- irritate - soothe
- keep - throw
- learn - unlearn
- lift - drop
- love - hate
- mix - separate
- neglect - value
- object - consent
- offer - withdraw
- open - close
- oppose - support
- pacify - enrage
- pause - continue
- pay - receive
- pick - discard
- plant - uproot
- prove - disprove
- push- pull
- rebuke - applaud
- refuse - accept
- rejoice - mourn
- remember - forget
- repair - damage
- reward - punish
- scatter - gather
- sell - buy/purchase
- show - cover
Final thought:-
Finally, friends in this article we learn about (Antonyms word ). In which we known (Definition of Antonyms and example of Synonyms).
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English Grammar